KASCO manufactures and stocks a diverse line of products which we supply to numerous retail, wholesale and commercial businesses.
We service and supply a broad base of customers: from independent grocery stores, butcher shops and bakeries to large supermarket and retail chains, meat processing plants, and wholesale distributors. No customer is too big or too small for KASCO!
Meat Grinder Plates & Knives 绞肉机用铰刀铰盘KASCO meat grinder plates and knives are designed to minimize contact between the plate and knife, reducing heat and creating a cool cutting surface. This results in a fresher and more visually appealing product, which also extends product life. A sharp and long-lasting cutting surface helps produce consistent product and reduces waste from poorly cut and mashed meat. KASCO 制造的铰刀铰盘将接触面的摩擦降到最低、同时减少热量的发生;打造出锋利的切割表面。这一制造特点不但避免肉类产生温度变化,同时也延长了产品寿命。锋利和持久的切割表面有助于生产同质的产品,减少肉制品的浪费。 |
Meat Cutting Blades 肉类切割锯条KASCO meat cutting band saw blades are constructed from durable materials to ensure quality and reliability. These blades are engineered for specific cutting applications from fish cutting to carcass splitting. All blades are designed to lower cutting costs by generating efficient cuts and producing less waste. KASCO 肉类切割锯条基材由美国底特律生产的优质钢材制成,确保原材料质量的可靠性与稳定性。这些带锯条的设计专门用做切割鱼类及牲畜劈半、切割使用。所有锯条都旨在通过高效的切割和更薄的厚度来减少浪费从而降低用户成本。 |
Bakery & Bread Slicing Blades 烘焙类专用面包切割刀片KASCO bakery slicer blades are made with a commitment to quality and innovation. Our quality assurance procedure makes sure our cutting and slicing edges meet the strict standards, which makes KASCO a global symbol of dependability and service in the blade manufacturing industry. The intensive control measure that are integral to the production of our bread slicer blades include the examination of all incoming raw materials during every stage of production. KASCO 烘焙类专用面包切割刀片产品致力于高质量和技术创新。我们的生产程序确保产品切割和切片边缘满足食品与烘焙类产品严格的生产标准,这使得KASCO产品在全球烘焙制造业享誉盛名。从原材料开始的每一道工序,我们都有最严格的监控程序以保证产品的高质量。 |
WoodMaxx Blades WoodMaxx木工锯条Cutting edge WoodMaxx Blades and PalletMaxx Dismantler Blades are the result of 110 years of experience and the KASCO commitment to design and manufacture the best band saw blades in the industry. These Blades have precision ground teeth that create straighter and more accurate cuts. In addition, WoodMaxx and PalletMaxx blades are made from quality and durable materials to increase product life and decrease safety hazards for employees. WoodMaxx木工带式锯条和PalletMaxx的可拆卸锯条都拥有110年的制造经验,KASCO 致力于设计和制造最好的木工带式锯条。这些锯条锯齿精密,可以完成更直更准确的切割。此外,WoodMaxx和PalletMaxx锯条由高质量和耐用的材料来增加产品的寿命,同时精准的切割会降低员工的安全风险。 |
Kam-Lok™ Hand Saws Kam-Lok™专业手工锯Hand crafted using the finest materials, our Kam-Lok™ professional butcher saws have been hand-crafted since 1909 using the finest materials available. We start with high quality stainless steel bar stock, then precision cut, shape and form it into the butcher saw frame. Kam-Lok™专业手工锯自1909年均使用上好的材料制成。以高品质不锈钢棒料为原料,经过精密切割,到屠夫锯架。在经过孔钻和框架,然后手工磨光和抛光精制而成。Kam-Lok™杆单独形成和调整连接到框架。通过高强度聚合物的手柄安装一个高质量的KASCO 锯条,通过最终检验,包装和发运准备。在这里您可以看到100年以上的高质量标准!